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In on-premise deployment, AccuKnox SaaS Component will be deployed on-premise. With locally deployed SaaS component the Scans will take place and reports will be shown in the dashboard.

For Air-Gapped On-prem installation, the SaaS deployment images will be provided.

System Requirements

Worker Node Requirements

Nodes vCPUs RAM (GB) Disk (GB)
4 8 32 256
5 4 16 128

Kubernetes Requirements

  • Start a k8s cluster with the above worker node requirements

  • Ingress Controller (load balancers)

    • For access to the application
  • Persistent Volumes (PV), provisioner/controller (block device/disks)

    • Used as data storage for SQL, MongoDB, scanned artifacts
    • Other internal app usages
  • DNS CNAME provisioning

    • Needed for application access & communication
    • Certs would use this CNAME so that address changes won’t impact the cert validation.
  • Email account configuration

    • Need email username, password
    • Used for user sign-in, password change, scan notification, sending reports


You need to have the following tools installed in the machine that you are going to use to follow the installation guide

Tool Version Install command
jq 1.6 apt install jq
unzip x.x apt install unzip
yq v4.40.x VERSION=v4.40.5 && BINARY=yq_linux_amd64 && wget${VERSION}/${BINARY}.tar.gz -O - | tar xz && mv ${BINARY} /usr/bin/yq
helm v3.x.x curl | bash
kubectl Supported by your k8s cluster
aws v2 curl "" -o "" && unzip && sudo ./aws/install --bin-dir /usr/local/bin --install-dir /usr/local/aws-cli --update
docker v20.xx apt install

Also the machine needs to have at least 80GB of storage


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