Jenkins SAST¶
By integrating AccuKnox SAST with Jenkins, you can identify and resolve security vulnerabilities proactively during the CI/CD process. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for configuring the integration.
AccuKnox Account: Ensure you have access to the AccuKnox UI.
Jenkins Access: Ensure Jenkins is installed and configured.
SonarQube Access: Access to SonarQube for scanning.
Step 1: Generate AccuKnox API Token¶
Log into your AccuKnox account.
Go to Settings > Tokens and click on the Create button.
Provide a name for the token and click Generate.
Copy the generated token and the Tenant ID.
Step 2: Create a Label in AccuKnox¶
Labels in AccuKnox help group similar findings together.
Navigate to Settings > Labels and click Create Label.
Save the label and note it down.
Step 3: Generate SonarQube Token¶
In SonarQube, Under Administrator > Security > Generate Tokens.
Generate user token and copy it.
Step 4: Configure Secrets in Jenkins¶
Go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials.
Add the following credentials as secrets:
TENANT_ID: Your AccuKnox tenant ID.
ACCUKNOX_TOKEN: The AccuKnox API token was created from AccuKnox SaaS.
LABEL: The label name was created in AccuKnox.
SQ_AUTH_TOKEN: SonarQube token.
Step 5: Configure Jenkins Pipeline¶
Create a Jenkins pipeline with the following stages to run a SAST scan and upload findings to AccuKnox.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
MAVEN_HOME = '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/SAST-AccuKnox-Demo/apache-maven-3.9.4'
WORKSPACE_DIR = '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/SAST-AccuKnox-Demo'
PROJECT_DIR = "$WORKSPACE_DIR/addressbook/addressbook_main"
stages {
stage('CHECKOUT') {
steps {
checkout scmGit(branches: [[name: '*/main']], extensions: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '<']])>
stage('Install Maven Build Tool') {
steps {
sh 'wget <'>
sh 'tar -xzvf $WORKSPACE_DIR/apache-maven-3.9.4-bin.tar.gz'
stage('Compile Application') {
steps {
sh '$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn compile'
stage('Test Application') {
steps {
sh '$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn test'
stage('SonarQube Analysis') {
steps {
withSonarQubeEnv(credentialsId: 'sq-auth-latest', installationName: 'sonarqube-scan') {
sh "$MAVEN_HOME/bin/mvn clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=vulnerable-project"
stage('Run Docker Container') {
steps {
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'sq-token', variable: 'SQ_AUTH_TOKEN')]) {
sh '''
docker run --rm \
-e SQ_URL=<> \
-e REPORT_PATH=/app/data/ \
-e SQ_PROJECTS="^vulnerable-project$" \
-v $PWD:/app/data/ \
stage('Pushing results to AccuKnox') {
steps {
string(credentialsId: 'accuknox-token', variable: 'ACCUKNOX_TOKEN'),
string(credentialsId: 'tenant-id', variable: 'TENANT_ID'),
string(credentialsId: 'label', variable: 'LABEL')
]) {
sh '''
for file in SQ-*.json; do
curl --location --request POST "<$TENANT_ID&data_type=SQ&label_id=$LABEL&save_to_s3=false>" \
--header "Tenant-Id: $TENANT_ID" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCUKNOX_TOKEN" \
--form "file=@$file"
Pipeline Explanation¶
CHECKOUT: Fetches code from the Git repository.
Install Maven Build Tool: Installs Maven for building the project.
Compile Application: Compiles the application source code.
Test Application: Runs tests on the application code.
SonarQube Analysis: Analyzes the code with SonarQube.
Pushing results to AccuKnox: Uploads SAST findings to AccuKnox.
Jenkins console output after successful execution:
Step 6: View Findings in AccuKnox¶
Go to AccuKnox > Issues > Findings.
Select Static Code Analysis Findings to see your results.
Click on a finding for more details and use the Create Ticket button to create a ticket.