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Telemetry Alerts

Rich contextual alerts are provided by AccuKnox CNAPP to give comprehensive visibility of the cloud assets along with a dashboard view. Policy related alerts can be forwarded from Accuknox's open-source KubeArmor to the SaaS platform. User can also forward the alerts from AccuKnox SaaS using the channel integration option to other SIEM tools like Splunk, ELK, Rsyslog, etc.., These alerts can also help accelerate troubleshooting by providing a single source of truth.

Process Alert

  "ClusterName": "default",
  "HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001",
  "NamespaceName": "wordpress-mysql",
  "PodName": "wordpress-787f45786f-2q9wf",
  "Labels": "app=wordpress",
  "ContainerID": "72de193fc8d849cd052affae5a53a27111bcefb75385635dcb374acdf31a5548",
  "ContainerName": "wordpress",
  "ContainerImage": "",
  "HostPPID": 495804,
  "HostPID": 495877,
  "PPID": 309835,
  "PID": 309841,
  "ParentProcessName": "/bin/bash",
  "ProcessName": "/usr/bin/apt",
  "PolicyName": "harden-wordpress-pkg-mngr-exec",
  "Severity": "5",
  "Tags": "NIST,NIST_800-53_CM-7(4),SI-4,process,NIST_800-53_SI-4",
  "ATags": [
  "Message": "Alert! Execution of package management process inside container is denied",
  "Type": "MatchedPolicy",
  "Source": "/bin/bash",
  "Operation": "Process",
  "Resource": "/usr/bin/apt",
  "Data": "syscall=SYS_EXECVE",
  "Enforcer": "AppArmor",
  "Action": "Block",
  "Result": "Permission denied"
File Alert
  "ClusterName": "default",
  "HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001",
  "NamespaceName": "wordpress-mysql",
  "PodName": "wordpress-787f45786f-2q9wf",
  "Labels": "app=wordpress",
  "ContainerID": "72de193fc8d849cd052affae5a53a27111bcefb75385635dcb374acdf31a5548",
  "ContainerName": "wordpress",
  "ContainerImage": "",
  "HostPPID": 495804,
  "HostPID": 496390,
  "PPID": 309835,
  "PID": 309842,
  "ParentProcessName": "/bin/bash",
  "ProcessName": "/bin/rm",
  "PolicyName": "harden-wordpress-file-integrity-monitoring",
  "Severity": "1",
  "Tags": "NIST,NIST_800-53_AU-2,NIST_800-53_SI-4,MITRE,MITRE_T1036_masquerading,MITRE_T1565_data_manipulation",
  "ATags": [
  "Message": "Detected and prevented compromise to File integrity",
  "Type": "MatchedPolicy",
  "Source": "/bin/rm /sbin/raw",
  "Operation": "File",
  "Resource": "/sbin/raw",
  "Data": "syscall=SYS_UNLINKAT flags=",
  "Enforcer": "AppArmor",
  "Action": "Block",
  "Result": "Permission denied"
Network Alert
  "ClusterName": "default",
  "HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000000",
  "NamespaceName": "default",
  "PodName": "vault-0",
  "Labels": ",,component=server,,",
  "ContainerID": "775fb27125ee8d9e2f34d6731fbf3bf677a1038f79fe8134856337612007d9ae",
  "ContainerName": "vault",
  "ContainerImage": "",
  "HostPPID": 2203523,
  "HostPID": 2565259,
  "PPID": 2203523,
  "PID": 3558570,
  "UID": 100,
  "ParentProcessName": "/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2",
  "ProcessName": "/bin/vault",
  "PolicyName": "ksp-vault-network",
  "Severity": "8",
  "Type": "MatchedPolicy",
  "Source": "/bin/vault status -tls-skip-verify",
  "Operation": "Network",
  "Resource": "domain=AF_UNIX type=SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_NONBLOCK|SOCK_CLOEXEC protocol=0",
  "Data": "syscall=SYS_SOCKET",
  "Enforcer": "eBPF Monitor",
  "Action": "Audit",
  "Result": "Passed"

Alerts Format

Alert Field Description Example
Action specifies the action of the policy it has matched. Audit/Block
ClusterName gives information about the cluster for which the alert was generated aks-test-cluster
Operation gives details about what type of operation happened in the pod File/Process/Network
ContainerID information about the container ID where the policy violation or alert got generated e10d5edb62ac2daa4eb9a2146e2f2cfa87b6a5f30bd3a
ContainerImage shows the image that was used to spin up the container
ContainerName specifies the Container name where the alert got generated mysql
Data shows the system call that was invoked for this operation syscall=SYS_EXECVE
Enforcer it specifies the name of the LSM that has enforced the policy AppArmor/BPFLSM
HostName shows the node name where the alert got generated aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001
HostPID gives the host Process ID 3647533
HostPPID list the details of host Parent Process ID 3642706
Labels shows the pod label from where alert generated app=mysql
Message gives the message specified in the policy Alert! Execution of package management process inside container is denied
NamespaceName lists the namespace where pod is running wordpress-mysql
PID lists the process ID running in container 266
PPID lists the Parent process ID running in container 251
ParentProcessName gives the parent process name from where the operation happend /bin/bash
PodName lists the pod name where the alert got generated mysql-76ddc6ddc4-h47hv
PolicyName gives the policy that was matched for this alert generation harden-mysql-pkg-mngr-exec
ProcessName specifies the operation that happened inside the pod for this alert /usr/bin/apt
Resource lists the resources that was requested /usr/bin/apt
Result shows whether the event was allowed or denied Permission denied
Severity gives the severity level of the operation 5
Source lists the source from where the operation request came /bin/bash
Tags specifies the list of benchmarks this policy satisfies NIST,NIST_800-53_CM-7(4),SI-4,process,NIST_800-53_SI-4
Timestamp gives the details of the time this event tried to happen 1687868507
Type shows whether policy matched or default posture alert MatchedPolicy
UpdatedTime gives the time of this alert 2023-06-27T12:21:47.932526
cluster_id specifies the cluster id where the alert was generated 596
component_name gives the component which generated this log/alert kubearmor
tenant_id specifies the tenant id where this cluster is onboarded in AccuKnox SaaS 11