AccuKnox SAST Integration with Azure DevOps¶
This document contains the process of integrating AccuKnox SAST with Azure DevOps. By integrating AccuKnox SAST into CI/CD pipeline, you can identify and resolve security vulnerabilities proactively before they are even deployed.
AccuKnox UI access
Azure DevOps Access
SonarQube access
Step 1: Create the AccuKnox Token¶
The first step is to generate an AccuKnox token. For generating the AccuKnox token, navigate to the AccuKnox > Settings > Tokens then click on the create button.
Give your token a name, and click on the Generate button.
Once you have generated the the token, click on the copy button and take a note of it. It will be required to configured as a secret in the pipeline. Also copy the Tenant Id and take a note of it.
Step 2: Create a label¶
In AccuKnox, labels are used for grouping the similar types of assets together. For creating a label navigate to the Settings > Labels and click on the Create Label button.
Give your label a name and a filename prefix. Take a note of the label and click on the save button.
Step 3: Create SonarQube token¶
Create a SonarQube user with permissions to administer quality gates, quality profiles then generate an access token for that user. Take a note of that token.
Step 4: Configure secrets and variables in Azure DevOps¶
Navigate to the Azure DevOps > Pipelines > Library and click on the add variable group button.
Name your variable group as AccuKnox
. And configure the following variables.
- Your AccuKnox tenant id. -
- AccuKnox API token. -
- Used to group findings together. -
- SonarQube API token. -
- URL of the SonarQube app -
- Name of your SonarQube project
Click on the lock icon and make those variables a secret. Then save it.
Go to pipeline permissions, click on Add button and select your pipeline.
Step 5: Configure CI/CD pipeline¶
Add this content to your azure-pipelines.yml
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- group: AccuKnox # Name of the variable group created in the Azure DevOps
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 0
- script: |
docker run --rm \
-v "$(pwd):/usr/src" \
displayName: SonarQube Scan
- script: |
docker run --rm \
-e SQ_URL=$(SQ_URL) \
-e REPORT_PATH=/app/data \
-v $(pwd):/app/data \
displayName: AccuKnox SAST
- script: |
for file in `ls -1 SQ-*.json`; do
curl --location --request POST "$(TENANT_ID)&data_type=SQ&save_to_s3=true&label_id=$(LABEL)" \
--header "Tenant-Id: $(TENANT_ID)" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $(ACCUKNOX_TOKEN)" \
--form "file=@\"$file\""
displayName: Upload SAST reports to AccuKnox
- script: |
sleep 10
response=$(curl -s -u "$(SQ_TOKEN):" "$(SQ_URL)/api/qualitygates/project_status?projectKey=$(SQ_PROJECT)")
echo "Quality Gate API Response: $response"
qualityGateStatus=$(echo "$response" | jq -r '.projectStatus.status')
if [ "$qualityGateStatus" != "OK" ]; then
echo "Quality Gate failed: $qualityGateStatus"
exit 1
echo "Quality Gate passed"
displayName: Quality Gate Check
Once you have added the above file and pushed it to repository, it will trigger the CI/CD pipeline. And you will see a screen like this.
Step 6: View the findings¶
To see all of your SAST findings, navigate to AccuKnox > Issues > Findings and select the Static Code Analysis Findings.
Click on any finding to get more details. You can also click on the Create Ticket button to create a ticket.