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Checkmarx Container Integration


This guide walks you through integrating Checkmarx Container scan with AccuKnox using a CI/CD pipeline workflow. The scan results, formatted in SARIF, will be enriched with metadata and code snippets and then integrated with AccuKnox for further analysis.


  • Repository with the appropriate permissions.

  • Checkmarx API credentials (Client ID, Client Secret, Tenant ID).

  • AccuKnox CSPM credentials (Tenant ID, CSPM URL, Token).

Step 1: Obtain Checkmarx and AccuKnox Credentials

Getting Checkmarx Credentials

  1. Log in to the Checkmarx Platform.

  2. Follow Checkmarx API Authentication Documentation to create a new API client.

  3. Note the Base URI, Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID.

Getting AccuKnox Credentials

  1. Generate the AccuKnox Token Open AccuKnox and go to Settings > Tokens. Click Create, give your token a name, and click Generate. Once generated, click Copy to save the token. Also, note down the Tenant ID. For details, refer to How to Create Tokens.

  2. Create a Label Navigate to Settings > Labels, click Create Label, provide a name, and set the filename prefix. Click Save and note down the Label ID. For details, refer to How to Create Labels.

Step 2: Pull the Container Image

You will need to pull the container image from a registry (e.g., Docker Hub, Amazon ECR, etc.) before performing the Checkmarx scan. In this example, we will pull a Docker image.

Add the following step to pull a container image before performing the scan:

      - name: Log in to Docker Hub
        run: |
          echo ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} --password-stdin

      - name: Pull container image
        run: |
          docker pull your-container-image:latest
  • Docker login: This step authenticates to Docker Hub using the credentials stored as GitHub secrets (DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD).
  • Pull container image: Replace your-container-image:latest with the appropriate image name and tag.
  • If you're using a different container registry (e.g., Amazon ECR), you will need to use the specific login command for that registry. For Amazon ECR, you can authenticate using AWS CLI:
      - name: Log in to Amazon ECR
        run: |
          aws ecr get-login-password --region ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }} | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID }}.dkr.ecr.${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}

Step 3: Configure the Workflow

In your repository, create a workflow file (e.g., .github/workflows/checkmarx-container-accuknox.yml) with the following content:

name: Checkmarx Sarif Integration for Container

    branches: [ "cmx-container" ]

  security-events: write
  contents: read

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Checkmarx scan
        uses: checkmarx/ast-github-action@main
          cx_client_id: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_ID }}
          cx_client_secret: ${{ secrets.CX_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          cx_tenant: ${{ secrets.CX_TENANT }}
          additional_params: --scan-types container-security --report-format sarif --output-path .

      - name: Fix SARIF file levels
        run: |
          jq 'walk(if type == "object" and has("level") then .level |= (if . == "none" or . == "note" or . == "warning" or . == "error" then . else "note" end) else . end)' cx_result.sarif > tmp.sarif && mv tmp.sarif cx_result.sarif

      - name: Append GitHub metadata to SARIF
          GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
          GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
          GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}
          GITHUB_RUN_ID: ${{ github.run_id }}
          GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER: ${{ github.run_number }}
          SOURCE: "GitHub"
        run: |
          GITHUB_URL="${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}"
          GITHUB_RUN_URL="${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}"
          jq --arg repo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" \
             --arg sha "$GITHUB_SHA" \
             --arg ref "$GITHUB_REF" \
             --arg run_id "$GITHUB_RUN_ID" \
             --arg run_number "$GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER" \
             --arg github_url "$GITHUB_URL" \
             --arg github_run_url "$GITHUB_RUN_URL" \
             --arg source "$SOURCE" \
             '.runs[0].invocations += [{
                "executionSuccessful": true,
                "toolExecutionNotifications": [],
                "toolConfigurationNotifications": [],
                "properties": {
                  "repository": $repo,
                  "commit": $sha,
                  "ref": $ref,
                  "workflow_run_id": $run_id,
                  "workflow_run_number": $run_number,
                  "repository_url": $github_url,
                  "workflow_run_url": $github_run_url,
                  "source": $source
              }]' cx_result.sarif > tmp.sarif && mv tmp.sarif cx_result.sarif

      - name: Extract and Embed Code Snippets in SARIF using Python
        id: embed_snippets
        run: |
          python3 <<EOF
          import os
          import json

          def get_code_snippet(lines, start_line, start_column, end_column):
              start_line_index = max(start_line - 3, 0)  # Start 2 lines before or 0
              end_line_index = min(start_line + 2, len(lines))  # End 2 lines after

              snippet_lines = lines[start_line_index:end_line_index]
              highlighted_snippet = []

              for i, line in enumerate(snippet_lines):
                  line_number = start_line_index + i + 1

                  if line_number == start_line:
                              line[:max(0, start_column - 1)] +
                              "<<<HIGHLIGHT>>>" +
                              line[max(0, start_column - 1):min(len(line), end_column)] +
                              "<<<END_HIGHLIGHT>>>" +
                              line[min(len(line), end_column):]
                      except Exception as e:
                          print(f"Error highlighting line {line_number}: {e}")

              snippet_with_comments = "// Start of snippet\n"
              snippet_with_comments += "".join(highlighted_snippet)
              snippet_with_comments += "// End of snippet\n"

              return snippet_with_comments

          def process_sarif_file(sarif_path):
              with open(sarif_path, "r") as sarif_file:
                  sarif_data = json.load(sarif_file)

              for run in sarif_data.get("runs", []):
                  for result in run.get("results", []):
                      for location in result.get("locations", []):
                          physical_location = location.get("physicalLocation", {})
                          artifact_location = physical_location.get("artifactLocation", {})
                          region = physical_location.get("region", {})

                          uri = artifact_location.get("uri")
                          start_line = region.get("startLine")
                          start_column = region.get("startColumn")
                          end_column = region.get("endColumn")

                          if uri and start_line and start_column and end_column:
                              file_path = os.path.join(".", uri.lstrip("./"))
                                  with open(file_path, "r") as source_file:
                                      lines = source_file.readlines()
                                      snippet_with_comments = get_code_snippet(
                                          lines, start_line, start_column, end_column
                                      region["snippet"] = {
                                          "text": snippet_with_comments
                              except FileNotFoundError:
                                  print(f"Failed to process file {file_path}: File not found.")
                              except Exception as e:
                                  print(f"Failed to process file {file_path}: {e}")

              with open("tmp_sarif_with_snippets.sarif", "w") as output_file:
                  json.dump(sarif_data, output_file, indent=2)


      - name: Upload SARIF file with code snippets
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: sarif-results-with-snippets
          path: tmp_sarif_with_snippets.sarif

      - name: Upload SARIF file
        uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
          sarif_file: tmp_sarif_with_snippets.sarif

      - name: Push SARIF file to AccuKnox
        run: |
          curl --location 'https://${{ secrets.ACCUKNOX_ENDPOINT }}/api/v1/artifact/?tenant_id=${{ secrets.ACCUKNOX_TENANT }}&data_type=CX&save_to_s3=true&label_id=${{ secrets.ACCUKNOX_LABEL }}' \
            --header 'Tenant-Id: ${{ secrets.ACCUKNOX_TENANT }}' \
            --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.ACCUKNOX_TOKEN }}' \
            --form 'file=@./tmp_sarif_with_snippets.sarif'

Step 3: Set Up Secrets

Ensure the following secrets are configured in your repository under Settings > Secrets and Variables:

  • CX_CLIENT_ID: Checkmarx Client ID

  • CX_CLIENT_SECRET: Checkmarx Client Secret

  • CX_TENANT: Checkmarx Tenant ID


  • ACCUKNOX_TENANT: AccuKnox Tenant ID

  • ACCUKNOX_LABEL: AccuKnox Label ID



Step 4: Running the Workflow

  1. Push changes to the repository's main branch or open a pull request.

  2. The Checkmarx Container scan will run, generating a SARIF file.

  3. The workflow will enrich the SARIF file with metadata and code snippets, and then upload it to AccuKnox for analysis.


Step 5: View Findings in AccuKnox

To see your findings navigate to AccuKnox > Issues > Findings and select the CX Container findings.


Click on any finding to get more details. You can also click on Create Ticket to create a ticket for further resolution.



By following this guide, you've successfully integrated Checkmarx Container scans into your CI/CD pipeline and connected them with AccuKnox for further insights. You can now analyze and prioritize vulnerabilities within the AccuKnox dashboard.