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Rafay Integration with AccuKnox

AccuKnox KubeArmor

Step 1: Creating Addon

To integrate with the Rafay platform first we have created an addon using KubeArmor helm repository

Step 2: Creating Blue Print

After creating the Add on to apply that in cluster we have created the Blueprint using the KubeArmor addon

Step 3: Connecting Cluster with Rafay

3.1 Importing existing Cluster option

3.2 Selecting the Cluster Platform

3.3 Applying KubeArmor Blue Print to the Cluster

3.4 Connecting the Cluster to Rafay Platform

3.5 Applying the Bootstrap.yaml file to the Cluster

  ~ kubectl apply -f solutions-aks-bootstrap.yaml
namespace/rafay-system created
serviceaccount/system-sa created unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged created created created configured configured
configmap/proxy-config-v3 created
configmap/v2-relay-agent-config created
deployment.apps/v2-relay-agent created
service/controller-manager-metrics-service-v4 created
deployment.apps/controller-manager-v3 created configured
configmap/connector-config-v3 created
deployment.apps/rafay-connector-v3 created
service/rafay-drift-v3 created unchanged

3.6 Rafay and KubeArmor is deployed in the Cluster using the Blueprint

~ kubectl get po -A
NAMESPACE         NAME                           READY    STATUS             RESTARTS           AGE
kube-system       ama-logs-4nzhr                  2/2     Running            11 (71s ago)       6h23m
kube-system       ama-logs-rs-776d765f6-wztpq     1/1     Running            0                  6h23m
kube-system       azure-ip-masq-agent-hkkxl       1/1     Running            0                  37d
kube-system       cloud-node-manager-8mxdn        1/1     Running            0                  49d
kube-system       coredns-785fcf7bdd-8pbmz        1/1     Running            0                  58d
kube-system       coredns-785fcf7bdd-qmt2x        1/1     Running            0                  58d
kube-system       coredns-autoscaler-85bfd6cbd5-z 1/1     Running            0                  16d
kube-system       csi-azuredisk-node-bswjb        3/3     Running            0                  37d
kube-system       csi-azurefile-node-csvsg        3/3     Running            0                  21d
kube-system       konnectivity-agent-6f76b87957-  1/1     Running            0                  58d
kube-system       konnectivity-agent-6f76b87950   1/1     Running            0                  58d
kube-system       kube-proxy-k5bxm                1/1     Running            0                  21d
kube-system       metrics-server-6f8bd495cc-rmh7n 2/2     Running            0                  16d
kube-system       metrics-server-6f8bd495cc-wlspn 2/2     Running            0                  16d
kubearmor         kubearmor-controller-9989b6d8f  2/2     Running            0                  36s
kubearmor         kubearmor-lb9db                 1/1     Running            0                  37s
kubearmor         kubearmor-relay-6444b56c5-2lm6r 1/1     Running            0                  36s
loki-stack-1      loki-0                          1/1     Running            0                  15h
loki-stack-1      loki-promtail-rmjdp             1/1     Running            0                  15h
rafay-system      controller-manager-v3-5545-45rm 1/1     Running            0                  45s
rafay-system      edge-client-784bdd8496-bw6ms    1/1     Running            0                  52s
rafay-system      rafay-connector-v3-5d7c7-7dwt8  1/1     Running            0                  46s
rafay-system      v2-relay-agent-698b6fb5d6-r5k9t 1/1     Running            0                  115s

3.7 After applying the yaml file the cluster is connected to the Rafay System

Step 4: Applying KubeArmor Policy

4.1 User needs to go the Cluster to apply the following KubeArmor policy.

kind: KubeArmorPolicy
name: wordpress-block-policy
namespace: wordpress-mysql
severity: 3
app: wordpress
- path: /usr/bin/apt-get
action: Block

Save the policy as a .yaml file.

4.2 Applying the policy from the cluster:

~ kubectl apply -f wordpress-block.yaml created

Step 5: Violating the Policy

For Violating the Above policy users need to navigate to the Rafay kubectl Utility

kubectl exec -it -n wordpress-mysql wordpress-23423-hajfg -- bash
apt-get update

Step 6: Policy logs

To see the Policy Logs the users must navigate to the Cluster CLI and give the following command and then violate the policy from Rafay Kubectl utility

karmor logs

Sample output:

  ~ karmor logs
local port to be used for port forwarding kubearmor-relay-6444b56c5-2lm6r: 32866
Created a gRPC client (localhost:32866)
Checked the liveness of the gRPC server
Started to watch alerts
== Alert / 2023-08-17 09:24:25.288081 ==
ClusterName: default
HostName: aks-agentpool-24991050-vmss000000
NamespaceName: wordpress-mysql
PodName: wordpress-84dbf54bb8-6xpf7
Labels: app=wordpress
ContainerName: wordpress
ContainerID: 7c0f7042110a76fd5b64d0f55aa133a1ef459b72c12517e4f13baf067c36c826
Type: MatchedPolicy
PolicyName: wordpress-block-policy
Severity: 3
Source: /bin/bash
Resource: /usr/bin/apt-get update
Operation: Process
Action: Block
Data: syscall=SYS_EXECVE
Enforcer: AppArmor
Result: Permission denied
HostPID: 117393
HostPPID: 112113
Owner: map[Name:wordpress Namespace:wordpress-mysql Ref:Deployment]
PID: 214
PPID: 208
ParentProcessName: /bin/bash
ProcessName: /usr/bin/apt-get
AccuKnox Enterprise

AccuKnox runtime security for Kubernetes helps you to discover the application behavior of your workload and provide the ability to enforce security policies. AccuKnox auto-detects and recommends Behavioral Policies based on app observability i.e. File system access for processes Processes that are getting network access for certain processes.

AccuKnox utilizes KubeArmor to enforce runtime security policies, employing eBPF and LSMs(SELinux, BPF LSM, AppArmor). Based on the policies that are applied, LSMs will act as a checkpoint and check all the events and system calls against these policies before they reach the kernel Objects. KubeArmor ensures that any event that is not compliant with the policies doesn’t get executed in the userspace, hence maintaining a secure space for your application to run.

AccuKnox offers the subsequent enterprise functionalities to enhance runtime security:

  • Auto-Discovered Behavioural Policies
  • Recommendation of Hardening Policies based on compliance framework - MITRE, NIST, PCI-DSS, CIS
  • Inventory View of Application
  • Network Graph View of the Application
  • Network Microsegmentation in the application
  • Hardening of the Secrets Managers like Hashicorp Vault, CyberArk Conjur
  • GitOps based Version Control for Policy Lifecycle Management
  • Rollback of recently changed Policy governing App Behavior
  • On-the-fly detection of change in App Behavior through Policies
  • Multi-Tenant, Multi-Cluster, RBAC for user-management
  • Comprehensive Dashboard across workloads running in Managed/Unmanaged Cluster, Containerized environment, VM or Baremetal
  • Integration with Registries for Container Image Vuln Scan
  • Telemetry aggregation (Process executed, File accessed, Network connections made) and Alerts events (Audit, Block)
  • Integration to SIEM for security events and Notification tool

The utilization of following AccuKnox agents assists in delivering the enterprise features:

  1. Agents operator: It will detect the environment of the k8s that is installed and based on that, it will pull all the AccuKnox Agents for Installation.
  2. Discovery Engine: AccuKnox Discovery Engine leverages the pod visibility provided by KubeArmor to automatically generate System and Network Policies.
  3. Feeder Service: The feeder service sends information from the Client Cluster to the AccuKnox SaaS Control Plane. Feeder Service is an agent that runs on every node, collects telemetry/alert events from source systems and messages, and emits them to Messaging Cluster for Storage and Analysis.
  4. Policy Enforcement Agent: AccuKnox’s Policy Enforcement Agent enforces the policies by leveraging KubeArmor. The policy not only keeps the track of the policies but is capable of doing tasks such as applying policies, denying policies, updating policies, and deleting the policies.
  5. Shared Informer Agent: Shared Informer Agent watches all the changes occurring in Kubernetes entities such as Pods, Nodes, Namespaces, Endpoints, and Services.

1.Create AccuKnox Agents Add-On

Step 1: Navigate to Add-Ons section in the Rafay console, Click on New Add on button and select Create New “Add-On from Catalog”.

Step 2: In the catalog search for AccuKnox and select accuknox-agents.

Step 3: Go to VALUES.YAML tab and download the file, this file will be used later in the steps.

Step 4: Click on Create Add-On.

Step 5: Give the Add-On a suitable Name and select “accuknox-agents” as namespace.

Step 6: Upload the VALUES.YAML that was downloaded in step 3 and click on the edit button to change some fields.

Step 7: Change the following fields respectively:

  1. spireHost=""
  2. ppsHost=""
  3. knoxGateway=""
  4. joinToken= Get the token from AccuKnox Saas Platform

(To see how to get joinToken refer to this guide :

Step 8: Save Changes to create a new version for the Add-On.

2.Creating Blueprint

After creating Add-on we need to create blue print with both KubeArmor and Accuknox-Agents.

Step 1: To create a Blueprint user must navigate to the Infrastructure→Blueprint and select New Blueprint

Step 2: Now give the name for the blue print and save it

Step 3: After that we need attach the kubearmor and AccuKnox- Agents add on that we created previously to the blueprint

3.Deploying the Blueprint in Cluster

Step 1: Attaching the blueprint to the cluster by selecting the AccuKnox blueprint

Step 2: Download the bootstrap file from the Rafay interface and apply this to the cluster using CLI

Step 3: Applying the bootstrap.yaml in cluster

@LAPTOP-9Q1ERBHE:~$ kubectl apply -f ak-catalog-bootstrap.yaml
namespace/rafay-system created
serviceaccount/system-sa created unchanged created unchanged unchanged unchanged created created created
Warning: Detected changes to resource which is currently being deleted. configured created created
configmap/proxy-config-v3 created
configmap/v2-relay-agent-config created
deployment.apps/v2-relay-agent created
service/controller-manager-metrics-service-v4 created
deployment.apps/controller-manager-v3 created created
configmap/connector-config-v3 created
deployment.apps/rafay-connector-v3 created
service/rafay-drift-v3 created created

Step 4: Wait for KubeArmor and AccuKnox to complete deployment

Step 5: Check if the cluster is onboarded on AccuKnox SaaS platform in the Cloud Workload section.

Expected Outcome

After Onboarding Process is complete user can utilize the following features of AccuKnox SaaS to protect their cloud workload at the runtime:

Application Behavior

Cluster workload behavior in AccuKnox SaaS is monitored using KubeArmor and AccuKnox Agents, installed as DaemonSets. Information is gathered at pod-level granularity, enabling users to access details for each pod in different namespaces. Workload behavior is presented through both list and graphical views.

List View: In the list view users can get the selected pod’s application behavior in 3 types of list namely: - File Observability: It provides the information about the file access that are happening inside the pod. It gives information like which process is accessing which file in the pod. Along with the file information it gives status of the access either allow, audit or deny. - Process Observability: It shows what are all the process that are executing in the pod and which pods or container are executing that process. It also gives information about the process that are blocked from execution in the pod. - Network Observability: Network Observability shows the ingress and egress connection that are coming to and going out of the pod.It gives the information regarding Port number, source from where the ingress connection is coming and Destination to which egress connection is destined to go.

Policy Dashboard

The AccuKnox CWPP Dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of runtime protection for clusters through various informative widgets. These widgets include:

  • Alerts Summary: Provides a summarized count of alerts generated in the cluster or a specific namespace. Details include total alerts, blocked alerts (from system block policies), and audited alerts (from audit policies).
  • Compliance Summary: Displays the compliance benchmarks applied to the cluster/namespace through KubeArmor's hardening policies. Presents information about MITRE, NIST, CIS, PCI-DSS benchmarks.
  • Compliance Alerts: Graphically represents compliance alerts generated in the cluster/namespace, using distinct color coding for various compliance benchmarks like MITRE, NIST, PCI-DSS, etc.
  • Namespace Severity: Offers a summary of attack severity attempted in the different namespaces within the cluster.
  • Top 10 Policies by Alerts Count: Presents a graphical representation of the top 10 policies for which alerts are generated in the cluster/namespace. Useful for identifying high-alert generating policies.
  • Namespace Alerts: Displays alerts specific to the selected namespace within the cluster, providing detailed information about the alerts.
  • Pod Alerts: Offers insights into alerts originating from the pods running within the cluster/namespace.
  • Alert based Operations: Graphically represents alert-triggering operations such as file access, process blocks, and audits, giving users an overview of the types of alerts generated.
  • Alerts based on Severity: Provides information on attack severity levels that were mitigated by the runtime protection policies within the chosen cluster/namespace.

Policy Enforcement

Policies section gives the user information about the runtime protection policies that are applied in the cluster. Policies are classified as Discovered, Active, inactive, Pending, Hardening and so on. We can see the policies based on the cluster, Namespace and policy type that we select in the filters shown in the page. AccuKnox has the option to see the policies related to a particular namespace and workload. Along with the discovered and Hardening policies users can also create custom policies by using the policy editor tool.

Monitoring Logs

AccuKnox CNAPP Solution provides comprehensive visibility of the cloud assets with the help of Dashboards and logs/alerts. AccuKnox’s open source KubeArmor can forward policy related logs/alerts to the SaaS. Also it can forward the container logs that is present in the workloads. Logs are generated in real-time based on certain conditions/rules you configure on the security policies. You will get logs from four different components.

The Log Detail contents vary depending on the selected component type of the log event.

SIEM/Notification Integration

Users can use Feeder service agent to pass the logs to other SIEM tools like Splunk, ELK, Rsyslog, etc.., Users can also forward the logs from AccuKnox SaaS using the channel integration option to these SIEM tools. User can integrate with various SIEM and ticketing tools like Splunk, Rsyslog, AWS CloudWatch, Elastic Search, Slack and Jira.