AccuKnox CNAPP Solution provides comprehensive visibility of the cloud assets with the help of Dashboards and logs/alerts. AccuKnox’s open source KubeArmor can forward policy related logs/alerts to the SaaS. Also it can forward the container logs that is present in the workloads. We can also use Feeder service agent to pass the logs to other SIEM tools like Splunk, ELK, Rsyslog, etc.., User can also forward the logs from AccuKnox SaaS using the channel integration option to these SIEM tools.
The Logs summary in AccuKnox displays a complete list of log events that have occurred within the infrastructure during a defined timeline.
It provides an interface to:
Find and get insights into security events in your infrastructure
Filter the logs to hone into the events that will require further inspection
Inspect any specific event using a log detail panel
Sent customized alerts to third-party SIEM (security information and event management) platforms and logging tools, such as Slack, Splunk, Elastic Search, Cloud watch, Jira with the help of trigger.
Logs are generated in real-time based on certain conditions/rules you configure on the security policies. You will get logs from four different components
K8s-cluster/VM To access all the logs from your Kubernetes clusters, select K8s-cluster from the first drop-down menu. Select VM to examine the logs for your virtual machines.
Cluster cluster drop-down can be used to filter logs related to specific clusters
Namespace Namespace drop-down can be used to filter logs related to specific namespaces
Severity Use the appropriate options to filter log events by Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Info level of severity, corresponding to the levels defined in the relevant runtime Policies.
Time Ranges As in the rest of the platform interface, the time range can be set by date ranges and in increments from 5 minutes to 60 days.
Filter using elements from the log events list Click one or more elements in a log event to add them directly to the filter.
Click Save button, to save the selected filter to Saved Filters
When the user fills the details and clicks the create option the filter will be saved.
Directly search elements in the filter You can directly search by the elements, such as “Cluster_name”, “Flow_IP_destination” etc visible in the logs.
Use Search Filters Search Filters are categorized into three
Predefined filters: A set of predefined filters makes the user's log filtering easier. We have incorporated frequent and important elements into these filters.
Saved Filters: The saved filters will list all the filters that the user has saved.
Unsaved: A set of filters loaded from your cache. It will be available shortly.
Log Detail Panel Click one of the events in the log to view the details pane.
The Log Detail contents vary depending on the selected component type of the log event.