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Cluster Onboarding

This is a detailed guide on how to onboard clusters to the AccuKnox SaaS platform. The guide covers the installation of KubeArmor and AccuKnox agents in the cluster to connect to the AccuKnox SaaS application.

Below shown image is from an k3s cluster running in a local machine with Kali Linux Operating System. We can onboard this cluster by following the steps shown below

Cluster Onboarding

Step 1: As a first time user, the management console will show up the CNAPP dashboard without any data mentioned in widgets, since the cloud account and cluster onboarding is not done.

Cluster Onboarding

Step 2: Navigate to Manage Cluster from Settings Tab: From this page we can onboard the clusters running in various cloud platforms like GCP,AWS and Azure. We can onboard locally setup clusters using an cloud option. To onboard cluster select onboard now option

Cluster Onboarding

Step 3: In this screen, give any name to the cluster that you are going to onboard now.

Cluster Onboarding

Step 4: Installing KubeArmor and AccuKnox agents

We are going to install KubeArmor and AccuKnox-agents to connect to the AccuKnox SaaS application. For the agent installation selection click on the Runtime Visibility & Protection.

Step 4.1 KubeArmor Installation


KubeArmor is a cloud-native runtime security enforcement system that restricts the behavior (such as process execution, file access, and networking operation) of containers and nodes at the system level.

With KubeArmor, a user can:

  • Restrict file system access for certain processes
  • Restrict what processes can be spawned within the pod
  • Restrict the capabilities that can be used by the processes within the pod

KubeArmor differs from seccomp-based profiles, wherein KubeArmor allows to dynamically set the restrictions on the pod. With seccomp, the restrictions must be placed during the pod startup and cannot be changed later. KubeArmor leverages Linux Security Modules (LSMs) to enforce policies at runtime.

Cluster Onboarding

KubeArmor is installed using the following commands:

curl -sfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin && karmor install

Step 4.2: AccuKnox-Agents installation

After installing KubeArmor we are going to install AccuKnox Agents in the cluster.

AccuKnox Agents

  1. KubeArmor: KubeArmor is a cloud-native runtime security enforcement system that restricts the behavior (such as process execution, file access, and networking operation) of containers and nodes at the system level. KubeArmor dynamically set the restrictions on the pod. KubeArmor leverages Linux Security Modules (LSMs) to enforce policies at runtime.
  2. Feeder Service: It collects the feeds from kubeArmor and relays to the app.
  3. Shared Informer Agent: It collects information about the cluster like pods, nodes, namespaces etc.,
  4. Policy Discovery Engine: It discovers the policies using the workload and cluster information that is relayed by a shared informer Agent.

Cluster Onboarding

AccuKnox Agents can be installed using the following command:

helm upgrade --install agents oci://
--version "v0.6.5"
--set joinToken="***********-***********-***********"
--set spireHost=""
--set ppsHost=""
--set knoxGateway=""
-n agents --create-namespace


In the above command joinToken is specific to this example and it will vary based on the cluster

Step 5: Onboarded Cluster

After installing all the AccuKnox agents the cluster is onboarded successfully into the SaaS application. We can see the workload details of the onboarded cluster by Navigating to Inventory→cloud Workloads option. There all the onboarded clusters will be listed out and all the inactive ones would be grayed out. By Double clicking on the active cluster user can get a more detailed view of the cluster.

Cluster Onboarding

Cluster Onboarding