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Onboarding and Deboarding VMs with Systemd


Systemd is a core component of modern Linux systems responsible for managing services and processes. It ensures that essential services start automatically during boot, remain running, and restart if they fail. In simple terms, systemd acts like a controller that organizes and oversees everything needed to keep the system stable and functional.

Currently, root/sudo permissions are needed for onboarding systemd. This is because KubeArmor requires privileges to protect the host and systemd services, packages are currently installed on the root directory.

Only in case of the control plane node, a working RabbitMQ server is required. This can be installed using Docker.

# Latest RabbitMQ 3.13
docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.13-management

Alternatively, you can install RabbitMQ using a package manager:

BTF support is needed. Any kernel version which has this should work. Check if BTF info is present with the script below:

if [ ! -e "/sys/kernel/btf/vmlinux" ]; then
  echo "BTF info not present"
  echo "BTF info present"

If the script returns "BTF info not present," BTF support is not available, and you should run the script below to build the required files on your system:

# Download KubeArmor
git clone
cd KubeArmor/KubeArmor/packaging


For detailed instructions specific to SystemD Based Non-BTF Environments, please refer to this guide.

Container Protection Requirements (Optional)

If container protection is needed, a Linux Kernel with BPF LSM is desired. Generally, it is present in v5.8+. Here's a guide on enabling BPF LSM: KubeArmor Getting Started FAQ.

If BPF LSM is not available, AppArmor should still work out of the box for host policy application. However, follow the guide Support for non orchestrated containers for each container.

Resource Requirements

Control Plane Node (Minimum)

Resource Requirement
Memory 4 GB
Disk 1 GB

Worker Node (Minimum)

Resource Requirement
Memory 2 GB
Disk 500 MB

Network Requirements

Connectivity between control plane node and worker nodes is a must. They should either be:

  • Part of the same private network (recommended & secure)

  • Control plane has a public IP (not recommended)

Ports required on the control plane VM:

Component Type Ports Endpoint Purpose
Knox-Gateway Outbound to SaaS 3000 knox-gw.<env> For Knox-Gateway service
PPS Outbound to SaaS 443 pps.<env> For PPS (Policy Provisioning Service)
Spire-Server Outbound to SaaS 8081, 9090 spire.<env> For Spire-Server communication
KubeArmor Relay Server Inbound in Control Plane 32768 - For KubeArmor relay server on control plane
Shared Informer Agent Inbound in Control Plane 32769 - For Shared Informer agent on control plane
Policy Enforcement Agent (PEA) Inbound in Control Plane 32770 - For Policy Enforcement Agent on control plane
Hardening Module Inbound in Control Plane 32771 - For Discovery Engine Hardening Module
VM Worker Nodes Outbound from worker node to Control Plane 32768-32771 - For VM worker nodes to connect to the control plane

Check the CWPP documentation for more details on the network requirements.

You can check the connectivity between nodes using curl. Upon a successful connection, the message returned by curl will be:

$ curl <control-plane-addr>:32770
curl: (1) Received HTTP/0.9 when not allowed


Navigate to the onboarding page (Settings → Manage Cluster → Onboard Now) and choose the "VM" option on the instructions page. Then, provide a name for your cluster. You will be presented with instructions to download accuknox-cli and onboard your cluster.

The following agents will be installed:

  1. Feeder-service which collects KubeArmor feeds.

  2. Shared-informer-agent authenticates with your VMs and collects information regarding entities like hosts, containers, and namespaces.

  3. Policy-enforcement-agent authenticates with your VMs and enforces labels and policies.

Install knoxctl/accuknox-cli

curl -sfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/bin

Onboarding Control Plane

The command may look something like this:

$ knoxctl onboard vm cp-node \
  --version "v0.2.10" \
  --join-token="843ef458-cecc-4fb9-b5c7-9f1bf7c34567" \
  --spire-host="" \
  --pps-host="" \


By default, if Docker is not found, systemd mode of installation would be used. If you want to explicitly onboard using systemd services, add the --vm-mode=systemd flag to the above command.

The above command will emit the command to onboard worker nodes. You may also use the --cp-node-addr flag to specify the address that other nodes will use to connect with your cluster.

Onboarding Worker Nodes

The second command will be for onboarding worker nodes. It may look something like this:

knoxctl onboard vm node --cp-node-addr=<control-plane-addr>


$ knoxctl onboard vm node --cp-node-addr=
Pulling kubearmor-init       ... done
Pulling kubearmor            ... done
Pulling kubearmor-vm-adapter ... done
Creating network "accuknox-config_accuknox-net" with the default driver
Creating kubearmor-init ... done
Creating kubearmor      ... done
Creating kubearmor-vm-adapter ... done
onboard-vm-node.go:41: VM successfully joined with control-plane!



If you encounter any issues while onboarding, use the commands below to debug:

sudo journalctl -xeu <service-name>.service

Replace <service-name> with one of the following:

  • kubearmor: Logs show policy enforcement and monitor Kubernetes workloads; useful for debugging misconfigurations or runtime issues.

  • kubearmor-relay-server: Bridges KubeArmor clients with external log systems; logs debug communication or relay errors.

  • kubearmor-vm-adapter: Tracks policy enforcement in VMs; logs diagnose policy application on non-Kubernetes workloads.

  • accuknox-policy-enforcement-agent: Enforces security policies; logs troubleshoot policy errors or conflicts.

  • accuknox-shared-informer-agent: Shares Kubernetes resource data; logs debug metadata collection issues.

  • accuknox-sumengine: Processes telemetry data; logs resolve performance or data processing errors.

  • accuknox-discover-agent: Discovers potential policies; logs analyze policy suggestions.

  • spire-agent: Manages workload identities; logs debug identity issuance and attestation issues.

  • accuknox-hardening-agent: Automates system hardening; logs troubleshoot configuration and hardening conflicts.


Deboard the cluster from SaaS first.

To deboard the worker-vm/Node:

knoxctl deboard vm node

To deboard the Control-Plane VM:

knoxctl deboard vm cp-node

Sample Output:

$ knoxctl deboard vm cp-node
[+] Running 10/10
  Container shared-informer-agent       Removed                                                                   0.6s
  Container feeder-service              Removed                                                                   0.6s
  Container policy-enforcement-agent    Removed                                                                   0.8s
  Container wait-for-it                 Removed                                                                   0.0s
  Container kubearmor-vm-adapter        Removed                                                                   5.6s
  Container kubearmor-relay-server      Removed                                                                   1.5s
  Container spire-agent                 Removed                                                                   0.5s
  Container kubearmor                   Removed                                                                  10.4s
  Container kubearmor-init              Removed                                                                   0.0s
  Network accuknox-config_accuknox-net  Removed                                                                   0.3s
Please remove any remaining resources at /home/user/.accuknox-config
Control plane node deboarded successfully.

After that cleanup the ~/.accuknox-config directory

sudo rm -rf ~/.accuknox-config