MFA-Enabled Application DAST Scan¶
To showcase how to run a Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scan on an MFA-enabled application using GitHub CI/CD workflows. The OWASP Juice Shop, a deliberately vulnerable application, is used as a reference to demonstrate the process and analyze the findings effectively.
You are implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to secure access to an application. As part of the CI/CD pipeline, you want to integrate a DAST scan using AccuKnox to identify potential vulnerabilities and evaluate the results for improved application security.
GitHub Actions are enabled for the repository.
AccuKnox Platform Access
MFA configured for the demo application.
Setting the Stage¶
We'll focus on implementing the credentials flow with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for the OWASP Juice Shop application, which has MFA enabled.
To authenticate with the OWASP Juice Shop, a POST request is sent with the user's email and password. After submitting the credentials, the system prompts for a Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP).
An authorization token is issued once the TOTP is verified, allowing authenticated access for further interactions.
Configuring AccuKnox for CI/CD Integration¶
Step 1: Log in to AccuKnox Navigate to Settings and select Tokens to create an AccuKnox token for forwarding scan results to SaaS. For details on generating tokens, refer to How to Create Tokens.
Step 2: Navigate to the Labels section in Settings and create a label to categorize and identify your scan results. For step-by-step guidance, see How to Create Labels.
Once tokens and labels are set up, you're ready to integrate them into the CI/CD pipeline.
Pipeline for AccuKnox DAST Integration¶
In Jenkins, create a secret text credential with the ID ACCUKNOX_TOKEN
to store the AccuKnox API token. This credential will be used in the pipeline for authentication when uploading scan results to the AccuKnox platform.
The pipeline performs DAST scanning. Once the scan is completed, the results are uploaded to the AccuKnox platform for further analysis and reporting.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
TOKEN = credentials('ACCUKNOX_TOKEN')
TENANT_ID = '167'
stages {
stage('Checkout Repository') {
steps {
git '' // Replace with your repository URL
stage('Run Python container for updating MFA') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
docker run -d -it --name pythonmfa --rm -v workspace/Accuknox-DAST:/wrk/:rw python:3.11-slim /bin/bash -c "pip install --no-cache-dir pyotp && python /wrk/scripts/"
stage('Run ZAP container') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
docker run --rm --cpus="8" --memory="8g" --name dastscan -v workspace/Accuknox-DAST:/zap/wrk/:rw -u zap -i -addoninstall communityScripts -addoninstall jython -loglevel debug -cmd -autorun /zap/wrk/config-mfa.yaml
stage('Upload Scan Results') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
curl --location --request POST "https://${END_POINT}/api/v1/artifact/?tenant_id=${TENANT_ID}&data_type=ZAP&label_id=${LABEL}&save_to_s3=false" --header "Tenant-Id: ${TENANT_ID}" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" --form 'file=@"report.json"'
stage('Cleanup') {
steps {
script {
sh '''
docker ps -a -q -f name=pythonmfa | xargs -r docker stop | xargs -r docker rm
sh '''
docker ps -a -q -f name=dastscan | xargs -r docker stop | xargs -r docker rm
View Results in AccuKnox SaaS¶
Step 1: After the pipeline completes, navigate to the AccuKnox SaaS dashboard.
Step 2: Go to Issues > Findings and select DAST Findings to see identified vulnerabilities.
Step 3: Click on a vulnerability to view more details.
Step 4: Fix the Vulnerability
Follow the instructions in the Solutions tab to fix the vulnerability
Step 5: Create a Ticket for Fixing the Vulnerability
Create a ticket in your issue-tracking system to address the identified vulnerability.
Step 6: Review Updated Results
After fixing the vulnerability, rerun the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline.
Navigate to the AccuKnox SaaS dashboard and verify that the vulnerability has been resolved.
The integration of AccuKnox with CI/CD pipelines, including the DAST scan on MFA-enabled applications, strengthens security by identifying vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. By combining MFA updates with dynamic application security testing (DAST), the pipeline ensures that security risks in authenticated applications are addressed before deployment..