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On-prem Deployment Guide

Onboarding Steps for AccuKnox

The onboarding process for AccuKnox's on-prem security solution consists of four key steps that the user must complete. Let's go through each step in a thorough, step-by-step manner:


Step 1: Hardware & Prerequisites

  • Verify hardware, email user, and domain configurations.
  • Ensure your environment meets all requirements.
  • Time estimate: Varies, allocate sufficient time for review and adjustments.

Step 2: Staging AccuKnox Container Images (For airgapped environments only)

  • Stage AccuKnox container images in the airgapped setup.
  • Reconfirm hardware, email user, and domain requirements.
  • Time estimate: ~1 hour.

Step 3: Installation

  • Install the AccuKnox system within your environment.
  • Ensure all prerequisites remain satisfied.
  • Time estimate: ~45 minutes.

Step 4: Verification/Validation

  • Confirm all previous steps were completed successfully.
  • Validate hardware, email user, and domain configurations.
  • Time estimate: ~1 hour.

AccuKnox onprem deployment is based on Kubernetes native architecture.

AccuKnox OnPrem k8s components

High-Level Architecture Overview



Microservices implement the API logic and provide the corresponding service endpoints. AccuKnox uses Golang-based microservices for handling streaming data (such as alerts and telemetry) and Python-based microservices for other control-plane services.


PostgreSQL is used as a relational database and MongoDB is used for storing JSON events such as alerts and telemetry. Ceph storage is used to keep periodic scanned reports and the Ceph storage is deployed and managed using the Rook storage operator.

Secrets Management

Within the on-prem setup, there are several cases where sensitive data and credentials have to be stored. Hashicorp's Vault is used to store internal (such as DB username/password) and user secrets (such as registry tokens). The authorization is managed purely using the k8s native model of service accounts. Every microservice has its service account and uses its service account token automounted by k8s to authenticate and subsequently authorize access to the secrets.


K8s native horizontal and vertical pod autoscaling is enabled for most microservices with upper limits for resource requirements.


Agents need to be deployed in target k8s clusters and virtual machines that have to be secured at runtime and to get workload forensics. Agents use Linux native technologies such as eBPF for workload telemetry and LSMs (Linux Security Modules) for preventing attacks/unknown execution in the target workloads. The security policies are orchestrated from the AccuKnox onprem control plane. AccuKnox leverages SPIFFE/SPIRE for workload/node attestation and certificate provisioning. This ensures that the credentials are not hardcoded and automatically rotated. This also ensures that if the cluster/virtual machine has to be deboarded then the control lies with the AccuKnox control plane.

System Requirements

Worker Node Requirements

Nodes vcpus RAM (GB) Disk (GB)
6 4 16 256

Kubernetes Requirements

Start a k8s cluster with the above worker node requirements**

Ingress Controller (load balancers)

  • For access to the application

Persistent Volumes (PV), provisioner/controller (block device/disks)

  • Used as data storage for SQL, MongoDB, scanned artifacts
  • Other internal app usages

DNS CNAME provisioning

  • Needed for application access & communication
  • Certs would use this CNAME so that address changes won't impact the cert validation.

Email account configuration

  • Need email username, and password
  • Used for user sign-in, password change, scan notification, sending reports

Jump Host


Jump Host Pre-requisites

Tool Version Install Command
jq 1.6 apt install jq
unzip x.x apt install unzip
yq v4.40.x VERSION=v4.40.5 && BINARY=yq_linux_amd64 && wget${VERSION}/${BINARY}.tar.gz -O - tar xz && mv ${BINARY} /usr/bin/yq
helm v3.x.x curl | bash
kubectl Supported by your k8s cluster
aws v2 curl "" -o "" && unzip && sudo ./aws/install --bin-dir /usr/local/bin --install-dir /usr/local/aws-cli --update
docker v20.xx apt install
Storage 80GB

Installation Steps

Installation Package

  • Helm charts archive [accuknox-helm-charts.tgz]
    • Kubectl and Helm tools are pre-requisite tools for using these helm charts

Use the following command to


Use of Private/Local Container Registry (or air-gapped mode)

If you want to use your private/local registry as the exclusive source of images for the entire cluster, please install the accuknox-onprem-mgr component first.

Value Description Provider
registry.username Registry User Customer
registry.password Registry Password Customer
registry.address The registry server address Customer
ecr.user Credential to pull images from AccuKnox registry AccuKnox
ecr.password Credential to pull images from AccuKnox registry AccuKnox


Contact your AccuKnox representative to acquire the keys.

cd airgapped-reg

# configure aws cli with AccuKnox  provided secrets
aws configure

# connect to docker AccuKnox docker registry
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

# connect to airgapped registry
docker login <registry_address>

# upload images to private registry
./ <registry_address>

# create a namespace
kubectl create ns $MGR_NS
kubectl create ns $CERT_MGR_NS

kubectl create secret docker-registry airgapped-reg     --docker-server=<registry.address> --docker-username=<registry.username> --docker-password=<registry.password> -n $MGR_NS

kubectl create secret docker-registry airgapped-reg --docker-server=<registry.address> --docker-username=<registry.username> --docker-password=<registry.password> -n $CERT_MGR_NS

# <registry_address> can include port as well
./ <registry_address>

./ <registry_address>

Update the override-values.yaml

[ONLY FOR air-gapped/private registry ENVIRONMENT]: Set global.onprem.airgapped to true in override-values.yaml file.

Before you start

We offer three deployments models when it comes to SSL certificate to accomodate for client requirements.

Auto-generated self-signed certificate

We auto generate the needed self signed certificates for the client. To enabled this option, the ssl section the override values file should be set as follow:

    selfsigned: true
    customcerts: false

Certificate signed by a known authority

The client provides a certificate signed by a known signing authority To enable this option, the ssl section the override values file should be set as follow:

    selfsigned: false
    customcerts: true

Self-signed certificates (provided by the customer)

The client provides a self signed certificate. To enabled this option, the ssl section the override values file should be set as follow:

    selfsigned: true
    customcerts: true

AccuKnox installation package will contain override-values.yaml file that contains installation-specific options to be configured.

  1. override to your domain
  2. set your ssl preferences in the override values by changing the ssl block.

Install AccuKnox base dependencies

kubectl create namespace accuknox-chart

helm upgrade --install -n accuknox-chart accuknox-base accuknox-base-chart  --create-namespace -f override-values.yaml


Some resources deployed in the above step require some time to provision. If the user executes the next command without waiting for the proper provisioning of the previous command the installation may break and will need to start over.

Run the below script to make sure that the provisioning was done succesfully.

while true
    status=$(kubectl get cephcluster -n accuknox-ceph  rook-ceph -o=jsonpath='{.status.phase}')
    [[ $(echo $status | grep -v Ready | wc -l) -eq 0 ]] && echo "You can proceed" && break
    echo "wait for initialization"
    sleep 1

Install AccuKnox pre-chart

Value Description Provider
email.user Email user will send signup invites, reports etc Customer
email.password Email Password Customer The Email server address Customer
ecr.user Credential to pull images from AccuKnox registry AccuKnox
ecr.password Credential to pull images from AccuKnox registry AccuKnox
helm upgrade  --install  -n  accuknox-chart accuknox-pre pre-chart  --create-namespace -f override-values.yaml --set"" --set"" --set"" --set ecr.user="`<user>`" --set ecr.password="`<pass>`"

Install AccuKnox microservices chart

Value Description Provider
email.user Email user will send signup invites, reports etc Customer
email.password Email Password Customer The Email server address Customer
helm  upgrade  --install  -n  accuknox-chart  accuknox-microservice  accuknox-microservice-chart  --set"" --set"" --set"" --create-namespace -f  override-values.yaml

DNS Mapping

Run the following script to generate the records you should add to your DNS zone.


Installing certificates

Certificates signed by known authority

./ <certificate_path> <certificate_key_path> <ca_path>

Self-signed certificates (provided by customer)

./ <certificate_path> <certificate_key_path> <ca_path>

Verification of installation

After successful installation, you should be able to point to
